Confessions of a proud remixer

Monday, January 31, 2011
I have a certain confession to make. Two months ago, when I first tried Kendi's challenge little did I know that this idea would turn into something permanent in the way I dress everyday!
Like I've already said when the challenge was over I found myself at a loss .I felt like I was all over the place, had no idea what to wear and somehow lacked direction!
Then a thought appeared with hesitation at first... why don't I pick some items again and see what new outfits will come out of those?
Then Kendi announced the second round but although I liked and enioyed the first one I  didn't want to go offtcial this time.
So I picked my items ( I admit I got inspired by her choice), I missed the dates and I present you with my first outfit!
The benefits for me are that my closet is neat again and has plenty of room so I can take a good look of my 30 items as I've put the rest away only to rediscover them in a couple of weeks.
I will remix the hell out of these 30 items and surprise myself and others(I hope) with my new outfits.
Would you make this approach a permanent feature to your dressing habits? Or do you want to have unlimited possibilities right in front of you every time you open your closet?

This is what my outfit looked like when I left home this morning! I plan to remix 3 jackets as lovely Kendi will do that were sitting in my closet since last automn!
You wanna see details?

It looks fancy right? have a happy enjoyable remixing and many thanks to Kendi for having this great idea!!!


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